Giovanni Pagliarello

Opere recenti
Recent works




Giovanni Pagliarello
si è occupato di arti figurative in modo professionale dagli anni '60.
Nel 1970 interruppe drasticamente tale attività, per occuparsi d'altro.
Dopo oltre 40 anni di silenzio, pur avendo seguito l'arte con letture e visite a mostre e gallerie, a fine dicembre 2009, ha ripreso l'attività stupendo anche se stesso.


Giovanni Pagliarello
was a professional visual artist from the early 1960s until 1970, when he abruptly interrupted his work.
After more than 40 years of silence, having limited his artistic activities to reading about and visiting exhibitions and galleries, in late December 2009, to his own amazement, he resumed his creative endeavors.



Quando Coeli movendi sunt et terrae

acrylic + mixed media on cardboard
(39,8 x 29,4 cm) - 2017

Ref. OR17-01


Nefer, Nefer, Nefer

acrylic + mixed media on cardboard
(50 x 70cm) - 2017

Ref. OR17-02


Mistero Rococò
Mystery Rococo

acrylic + mixed media + collage on cardboard
(42 x 62 cm) - 2017

Ref. OR17-03


Santo Graal
Holy Graal

acrylic + mixed media on cardboard
(40,8 x 29 cm) - 2017

Ref. OR17-04